
24 jQuery Parallax

Parallaxify. Parallaxify is a jQuery plugin that adds parallax effects to elements and backgrounds based on gyroscope sensor or mouse input.


Smooth parallax animations on vertical page scrolling using requestAnimationFrame and CSS3 3D transitions.

Simple Parallax Scrolling Effect with jQuery

Parallax.js is a dirt simple parallax scrolling effect inspired by Spotify.com and implemented as a jQuery plugin. Download Parallax.js v1.5.0 ...

Tagged: parallax

Parallax ImageScroll. Parallax ImageScroll is a simple and easy jQuery plugin for creating image parallax effects when scrolling the page, inspired by Spotify.

jQuery Parallax Background Issue

I have the following jQuery code to animate the background images with a parallax effect. I have two parallax images on my page and it seems ...


paroller.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that enables parallax scrolling effect on selected elements. You can use it on elements with background property or ...

jQuery特效:Parallax Scrolling 視差滾動

視差滾動(Parallax scrolling)是電腦圖學中一種滑動特效技巧,讓2D畫面產生多層次的景深以模擬3D效果,應用在網頁設計上也有不錯的效果。只要使用jQuery ...

80+ Best jQuery Parallax Plugin with Examples

Best list of jQuery Parallax plugins with example and demo.List consist of all jquery scrolling parallax effects, parallax background, parallax slider.

Creating a simple parallax scrolling with CSS3 and jQuery

To get the right parallax effect, the background should move at the different rate when the foreground moves. There is a technique with CSS ...

Free jQuery parallax Plugins

A jQuery plugin that makes it easy to implement the familiar Parallax scrolling effect on background images with lots of customization options.


Parallaxify.ParallaxifyisajQuerypluginthataddsparallaxeffectstoelementsandbackgroundsbasedongyroscopesensorormouseinput.,SmoothparallaxanimationsonverticalpagescrollingusingrequestAnimationFrameandCSS33Dtransitions.,Parallax.jsisadirtsimpleparallaxscrollingeffectinspiredbySpotify.comandimplementedasajQueryplugin.DownloadParallax.jsv1.5.0 ...,ParallaxImageScroll.ParallaxImageScrollisasimpleande...